As if we didn't have enough of these things, we're joining the 21st century and doing one ourselves. Well, hopefully this isn't just another medium for shameless self promotion (at least not completely), but we thought this would be a good tool to give people a little insight on what we do on a regular basis to plan, develop and produce a movie. We'll try to keep you up on the pitch meetings, brainstorming sessions, bitch fests and everything you DON'T find in the DVD extras!
So let's kick one off. Justin is off on a honeymoon (yes, we're all surprised someone married him!) He'll be back this weekend and will jump right back into post on Savage. I saw picture lock yesterday, and I'm quite pleased. Our post supe is sending copies off to the sound designer and composer this week. Christopher is out representing the WEST SIIIIDE after recently moving to San Bernadino or thereabout. He's working on getting our new website live AND planning his own wedding (yes, we're all surprised someone is marrying him too!) And I in my cap, have just settled down to update our business plan. After realizing the data was about 4 years old, I think it was time. Let me tell you, collecting data sucks ass. I'd much rather be on set. But to get there we have to do crap like business plans.
Okay, blogging kinda sucks too, so I'm gonna end this one here.
-- Bo Buckley