(LtoR Joe Stauffer (camera op) Chad Oliver (AC) Shane Callahan (as Det. Robeson) and Nate Panning(as Lance Steel) in a scene for the movie Lance Steel:Monster Hunter teaser. Courtesy Mike Spencer / Star News)The Star News in Wilmington, NC printed a story about indie filmmaking with the Red One camera and peeked their heads on our set of the Lance Steel teaser. It's a nice little piece with many quotes from Fearmaker Justin Soponis and fellow colleagues like DP Shawn Lewallen (
Savage) and talks about the uses of the Red in comparison to Hollywood made features and indies from years ago.
When Fearmakers began, the idea of shooting on film was pretty much a dream. While several indie producers had found short cuts to shooting movies on

film, it wasn't practical. When we set out to do our first feature, Death4Told, we chose to shoot standard definition digital. High def wasn't even common language at that time. By today's standards, everyone with a few grand can pick up a digital camera that shoots HD and Death4Told looks as antiquated as a B-movie sci-fi feature of the 50s. But as many filmmakers and critics say, a good, entertaining story will outlive the medium on which it was told. As the Red One becomes the norm and indie filmmakers become the first to shoot IMAX features on over-the-counter cameras, it's the story and entertainment of the movie that will set itself apart.
That said, we will try to shoot the latest technology whenever possible because it's just so freakin' cool!!!!
You can read the Star News articles here.